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Thursday, June 20th, 2019
How to Precisely Dispense Fuel

There is now a great way to get the exact amount of fuel you want in your vehicle.

Husky Corporation engineers have developed an enhancement for the fuel nozzle’s poppet valve, which in combination with the lever, controls the flow of fuel through the nozzle. The innovation is called a ’tilt-poppet’ will be included in all Husky nozzle products. This short video shows how it works.

“The previous poppet skirt operated by opening or closing the entire poppet valve seal at the same time. That situation made it difficult to start and stop fueling at the desired level,” said Husky Engineering Manager Zach Holcomb.

So Husky Engineers focused on re-designing the poppet skirt, and came up with an innovation called the Tilt Poppet; a poppet skirt that is angled on one surface. The effect of this modification is that when the fuel lever is engaged, one side of the poppet valve seal moves before the other. Fuel therefore flows through the nozzle in a much more measured way; fueling can be started and stopped very smoothly for precise manual dispensing. A slimmed-down poppet skirt design also reduces the amount of back-pressure experienced when starting and stopping the fueling process.

“Having the angled poppet skirt allows the flow to ease through on one side of the poppet valve and dispense to the penny much more easily,” Holcomb said.

In the video, the flow of fuel was being controlled at a rate of just 0.048 gallons per minute (or 0.182 liters/minute) which resulted in one penny’s worth of fuel being dispensed every four to five seconds.

“We know that many customers want to spend an exact amount when fueling their vehicles. There are also applications around the world where full-service fuel attendants must put only the exact amount of fuel requested into customer tanks. The Tilt Poppet is ideal for those situations,” said Husky Corporation Executive Vice President Brad Baker. “We think the Tilt Poppet will make the fueling experience more pleasant for everyone thanks to its smooth and easy operation.”

The Husky Tilt Poppet will be an included feature of all the company’s fuel nozzle designs. Contact Husky at 800-325-3558 to learn more.

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