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Monday, December 7th, 2015
Production Best Practices for On-Time Delivery
The result of an exceptional production system is a high percentage of customer orders that are delivered On-Time. To hit the benchmark, all processes in the system must be aligned across the supply chain.
Husky Corporation put in such a system within the last decade. The result is that 99.5 percent of all customer orders are created and shipped within four days of receiving the order. This short video shows how the Husky production system to create fuel dispensing nozzles, swivels and related accessories made the transition that created a host of benefits for the company and its customers.
In 2004, Husky Corporation decided to eliminate finished goods inventory and moved to a production system where fueling products are only created when orders come in through Husky’s customer service department. Orders are routed to the appropriate production cell, where each product is assembled and tested in one-piece flow which proves to be more efficient than traditional assembly lines. Operators are trained at multiple cells to allow great flexibility and keep the staff’s skills fresh.
Customer benefits from the Husky production system go beyond reliable on-time delivery of the highest quality fueling products. By being able to reduce their own inventory, customers also find their own systems are more profitable. 
To know more about Husky Corporation, visit http://www.husky.com/
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